
Friday, February 25, 2011

10.2 Homework DUE TUESDAY

Chapter 10, Section 2 (Page 310-315)

Why is the “Dome of the Rock” an important location in the Muslim faith?

Create a T-Chart which shows the characteristics of Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims (Checkpoint, P. 312)

What were 3 reasons for the successes of Muslim conquests? (Checkpoint, P. 314)

How did the Umayyads treat “conquered people”? What advantages do you think this would this have?

What changes were made under the Abbasid Caliphate?

Why did the empire of the Abbasid caliphs decline and eventually break up? (Assessment #5)

Define: Caliph, Sufis, Umayyad Caliphate

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cornell Notes

Using the Cornell Notes system will allow you to retain information at a deeper level for a longer period of time. Use this document to read more about Cornell Notes and how they should be used. Remember that the key to the system is the Summary Area and Cue Column and continually going back to your notes throughout a unit/semester.

Your assignment is to read the "Origins of Islam" reading handed out in class today (2/14) and attempt to take Cornell Notes. Your notes on the reading will be due on Wednesday (2/16).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Geography of the Arabian Peninsula

Please use this reading to answer the following questions for class. This will serve as an introduction to class on Wednesday (2/9)

1. Why is “al-Jazeera” an incorrect name for the Arabian Peninsula?

2. Why might the geography of the Arabian Peninsula make it “a challenging place to live”?

3. What do you think an “adaptation” is?

4. Why would traveling in caravans increase trade across the Arabian Peninsula?

5. Describe how the location of the Arabian Peninsula made it ideal for trade. Use specific examples.