Use this thread to post potential test questions for the Unit 2 Test. Remember, the test will cover information from Chapters 7 and 8, as well as all in class readings/lectures. It might be helpful to go back and read over the very first reading from the unit (pink booklet), which gives a very good basic overview of Medieval Society. Also, the test review sheet is worth 5 extra credit homework points (it will also help you on the test).
In order to increase the efficiency of your studying, I would like each person to write 2-4 potential multiple choice test questions in this thread. If EVERYONE were to do this, in addition to your study guide there would be at least 88 questions to help you study from. This is your chance to take 10 minutes out of your day to help the good of the order.
The best way to do this is probably something like this:
Question 1 -Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Crusades?
a) Desire to gain access to Islamic markets to the East
b) The rise of civil violence in Europe due to a large population of “laymen”
c) Seljuk Turks barring Christian pilgrims from the city of Jerusalem
d) Europeans needed a war to demonstrate their new, advanced weapons such as the long bow.
Question 2 - Which of the following was NOT a result of the Black Plague?
a) Art became more realistic due to widespread death.
b) The church became stronger as people tried to cope with widespread death.
c) European economies changed as consumers desired luxury goods.
d) The feudal system came to an end.
Answers: d, b